7:30 pm

My work is developing more with the use of colour these days. I have been focusing on colour theory and shapes mostly. I thought I would be a bit experimental and create some branding similar to my work. As part of the brief this Semester, we have been instructed to build our own identities that reflect our websites, portfolio and start to interact with social media on a professional level. I have actually already created mine. My theme is very minimal, using black and white with a touch of grey for my colour scheme. When I began Graphic Design I really wasn't fond of exhibiting colour throughout my work. Even when I captured photographs, I always preferred developing in black and white. It's funny how things have progressed, who'd a thunk it??!! 

Choosing colours is a matter of personal expression. For me, it is instinctive and often spontaneous. The way I use and work with colour really depends on my response to a particular shade or group of colours. Each shade can change the energy and mood that surrounds every tone. Apart from the usual Pantone colour intelligence, I still prefer to get colour inspiration on things I see when I am just snapping images on my iPhone, either for personal use or Instagram. Coloured paper is my BF at the moment. I was in the studio last week on a paper chase trying to find some coloured paper, thankfully I found some! I took a few images of the paper and the colours influenced my POLLY design. Looking forward to seeing what else I can create with this paper.

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